Lent Fast Day 2024 

2024 Lent

James, a skilled fisherman from New Kru Town, Liberia, told us that when his family had no food, he faced a terrible choice: stay home and stay hungry or put everything on the line to go out onto the water in his small canoe. Making that journey to sea and back alive without the right tools or safety equipment was difficult enough, getting a catch was almost impossible.
Thanks to support from people like you, James now has the tools and training he asked for to fish safely. Continued support has bought him not just a compass, but a life jacket and a GPS fish-tracking system to find the best fishing spots and make his way home safely with an even bigger catch.  
Now James wants more people like him to get the chance to feed their families safely throughout the year and to achieve their plans and dreams. 
Your urgent support for CAFOD's Lent Appeal can help hardworking people like James get the tools they need to feed their families for good. 
You can use the Family Fast Day envelope available at church from the weekend of February 17th and 18th or donate online at cafod.org.uk/give. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, it will boost it by 25 per cent. Many thanks for your support.

Anne, 08/02/2024